Glee Books in Sydney Australia

Glee Books in Sydney Australia

Glee Books store in Sydney Australia
An order of books has just arrived (updated!) in Sydney's leading independent bookstore, Glee Books, at 49 Glebe Point Road. I will try and get to Sydney for an author's talk at some time around mid next year.
Glee books in something of an institution in Sydney, synonymous with literary events. They offer the chance to 'experience' the wonderful tactile qualities of books, to be picked up, held, leafed and chosen. To hear authors speak about their books, and obtain insight into their process and concerns. To be introduced to new titles recommended and curated by the knowledgeable staff. There's a special feeling one gets from wandering through a bookstore and selecting books to take home and read, that will never be rivaled by Amazon, for all its convenience. 
Glee Books are open long hours (9 am - 7 pm on Sunday to Wednesday, and 9 am - 9 pm on Thursday to Saturday, which suits a post-cafe visit.) Their details are as follows:
Glee Books, 49 Glebe Point Road, Sydney 2037. Tel +61 2 9660 2333 Website:
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