The International interest in 'The History & Arts of the Dominatrix' has been ongoing, and reviews coming in from across the world.
This last month, the famous Dutch fetish magazine, Massad featured a review of 'The History & Arts of the Dominatrix' (Volume 269; pp.70, 72). The magazine is edited by Bert Wibo - a legend in the Dutch and International fetish scene.
Some of the 20th Century underground fetish photographs of 'bizarre' ladies (as they were then known) were taken by Bert Wibo back in the 1970s. As I explained in my book, these magazine editors were networked into the underground scene, and the few surviving material which exist from the era, including archival photographs and accounts of the underground women who made their subversive career in domination.
It's an honour to hear that Bert Wibo - who holds some of the best knowledge in the world on the subject - has reviewed my book so favourably.
The History & Arts of the Dominatrix
Je weet, dat je "oud" wordt, wanneer in een boek over de Geschiedenis van de Meesteres jouw foto's met bronvermelding worden gebruikt en je door de auteur wordt bedankt in het nawoord. Anne O Nomis heeft de afgelopen jaren onderzoek verricht naar het fenomeen Meesteres en besloot daar een boek over te schrijven, waarbij ze alle facetten van dit beroep (of roeping) de revu laat passeren. Alles is uitgebreid onderzocht en onderbouwd en het resultaat is een heel lessbaar, soms ook heel herkenbaar boek geworden dat ook menig Nederlandse geinterresseerde liefhebber zal aanspreken.
De auteur gaat nader in op de persoon van een Meesteres, maar vertelt over de verschillen de technieken, haalt voorbeelden aan en is in haar beschrijvingen van de materie soms heel erg grafisch, zodat er weinig aan de fantasie wordt overgelaten. Het boek is te verkrijgen via of
Een absolute aanrader en leuk om met dit boek terug te gaan in tijd near Meesteressen zoals Kitty uit Rotterdam en Bea uit Amsterdam, of meer te lezen over de legendarische Monique von Cleef.
Roughly translated with the help of Google Translate (and I'll attempt to update and refine this when I can find someone who speaks Dutch!):
You know that you are "old", when your photos with source are used in a book about the history of the Mistress, and you thanked by the author in the afterword. Anne O Nomis has in recent years researched into the phenomenon of the Mistress out there, and decided to write a book about where she shows all facets of this profession (or calling) as it appears through history. All has been thorougly researched and evidence-based and the result of this is an easy-to-read and sometimes recognizable book that will appeal to the interested Dutch reader.
The author elaborates on the occupation of the Mistress, the different techniques, and cites examples in her descriptions of graphic subject matter, and little is left to the imagination. Her book is available from or
Highly recommended and fun to go with this book back in time to Mistresses such Kitty from Rotterdam, and Bea from Amsterdam, or read more about the legendary Monique von Cleef.
(From Massad Magazine, 2014, Vol 269, pp.70, 72)
Vintage polaroid of Monique Von Cleef in her 'House of Pain' in The Hague, signed by the famous Dominatrix herself - which she gifted to magazine editor David Jackson, included in my book along with images taken by Bert Wibo in Holland.